The Chennai Super Kings colors are orange, blue, and light blue. The Chennai Super Kings team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Chennai Super Kings is a team from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The biggest rival of the Chennai Super Kings is the Mumbai Indians.
Chennai Super Kings Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Chennai Super Kings can be found in the table below.

Hex: #32A6DE
RGB: (50, 166, 222)
CMYK: (70, 18, 0, 0)
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Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Orange | (233, 83, 13) | (3, 82, 100, 1) | PMS 166 C | #E9530D |
Blue | (43, 93, 168) | (89, 69, 2, 0) | PMS 7455 C | #2B5DA8 |
Light Blue | (50, 166, 222) | (70, 18, 0, 0) | PMS 298 C | #32A6DE |
Chennai Super Kings Pantone Color Codes
The Chennai Super Kings Indian Premier League team Pantone colors are PMS 166 C for orange, and PMS 7455 C for blue, and PMS 298 C for light blue.
The orange Pantone color of the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
PMS 166 C
The blue Pantone color of the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
PMS 7455 C
The light blue Pantone color of the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
PMS 298 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Orange | PMS 166 C |
Blue | PMS 7455 C |
Light Blue | PMS 298 C |
Chennai Super Kings Color Codes HEX
The Chennai Super Kings colors HEX codes are #E9530D for orange, #2B5DA8 for blue, and #32A6DE for light blue.
The orange HEX color code for the Chennai Super Kings Twenty20 cricket team can be found below.
The blue HEX colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
The light blue HEX colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Orange | #E9530D |
Blue | #2B5DA8 |
Light Blue | #32A6DE |
Chennai Super Kings Color Codes RGB
The Chennai Super Kings colors RGB codes are (233, 83, 13) for orange, (43, 93, 168) for blue, and (50, 166, 222) for light blue colour.
The orange RGB color code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(233, 83, 13)
The blue RGB colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(43, 93, 168)
The light blue RGB colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(50, 166, 222)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Orange | (233, 83, 13) |
Blue | (43, 93, 168) |
Light Blue | (50, 166, 222) |
Chennai Super Kings Color Codes CMYK
The Chennai Super Kings colors CMYK codes are (3, 82, 100, 1) for orange, (89, 69, 2, 0) for blue, and (70, 18, 0, 0) for light blue color.
The orange CMYK color code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(5, 100, 100, 1)
The blue CMYK colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The light blue CMYK colour code for the Chennai Super Kings can be found below.
(60, 40, 40, 100)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Orange | (3, 82, 100, 1) |
Blue | (89, 69, 2, 0) |
Light Blue | (70, 18, 0, 0) |
Chennai Super Kings Logo Colors
The Chennai Super Kings logo colors are orange, blue, and light blue. The orange color code for the Chennai Super Kings logo is Pantone: PMS 166 C, Hex Color: #E9530D, RGB: (233, 83, 13), CMYK: (3, 82, 100, 1). The blue color code for the Chennai Super Kings logo is Pantone: PMS 7455 C, Hex Color: #2B5DA8, RGB: (43, 93, 168), CMYK: (89, 69, 2, 0). The light blue color code for the Chennai Super Kings logo is Pantone: PMS 298 C, Hex Color: #32A6DE, RGB: (50, 166, 222), CMYK: (70, 18, 0, 0).
Chennai Super Kings Logo
The Chennai Super Kings logo has orange, blue, and light blue colors and the profile of a roaring lion’s head. The name Chennai Super Kings is written in the center of the lion’s head with a blue crown on top. The Chennai Super Kings logo meaning symbolizes youth, vibrancy, solid performance and fiery spirit. Since the lion is the king of the jungle, the roaring lion logo reflects the team name (Super Kings).
Chennai Super Kings Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Chennai Super Kings logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Chennai Super Kings Logo Fonts
The Chennai Super Kings logo font is Prince Of Darkness Regular. The Prince Of Darkness Regular font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Chennai Super Kings Logo JPG
The Chennai Super Kings logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Chennai Super Kings logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Chennai Super Kings Logo PNG
The Chennai Super Kings logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Chennai Super Kings logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.