The Coventry City F.C. colors are sky blue and white. The Coventry City F.C. team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Coventry City F.C. are a team from Coventry, United Kingdom. The biggest rivals of the Coventry City F.C. are the Birmingham City F.C.
Coventry City F.C. Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Coventry City F.C. can be found in the table below.
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Sky Blue | (5, 157, 217) | (76, 23, 0, 0) | PMS 2925 C | #059DD9 |
White | (255, 255, 255) | (0, 0, 0, 0) | Not Available | #FFFFFF |
Coventry City F.C. Pantone Color Codes
The Coventry City F.C. EFL Championship team Pantone color is PMS 2925 C for sky blue
The sky blue Pantone color of the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
PMS 2925 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Sky Blue | PMS 2925 C |
Coventry City F.C. Color Codes HEX
The Coventry City F.C. colors HEX codes are #059DD9 for sky blue and #FFFFFF for white.
The sky blue HEX color code for the Coventry City soccer team can be found below.
The white HEX colour code for the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Sky Blue | #059DD9 |
White | #FFFFFF |
Coventry City F.C. Color Codes RGB
The Coventry City F.C. colors RGB codes are (5, 157, 217) for sky blue and (255, 255, 255) for white colour.
The sky blue RGB color code for the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
(5, 157, 217)
The white RGB colour code for the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
(255, 255, 255)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Sky Blue | (5, 157, 217) |
White | (255, 255, 255) |
Coventry City F.C. Color Codes CMYK
The Coventry City F.C. colors CMYK codes are (76, 23, 0, 0) for sky blue and (0, 0, 0, 0) for white color.
The sky blue CMYK color code for the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
(76, 23, 0, 0)
The white CMYK colour code for the Coventry City F.C. can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Sky Blue | (76, 23, 0, 0) |
White | (0, 0, 0, 0) |
Coventry City F.C. Logo Colors
The Coventry City F.C. logo colors are sky blue and white. The sky blue color code for the Coventry City F.C. logo is Pantone: PMS 2925 C, Hex Color: #059DD9, RGB: (5, 157, 217), CMYK: (76, 23, 0, 0). The white color code for the Coventry City F.C. logo is Hex Color: #FFFFFF, RGB: (255, 255, 255), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0).
Coventry City F.C. Logo
The Coventry City F.C. logo has sky blue and white colors and two ornate banners containing the names Coventry City and Football Club written in uppercase letters with the Coventry crest, an elephant with a castle on its back and a mantle with a red cross on its torso, featured on top of a football held in place by two griffins in the middle. The Coventry City F.C. logo meaning symbolizes the team’s pride in their home city and their tenacity on the field.
Coventry City F.C. Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Coventry City F.C. logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Coventry City F.C. Logo Fonts
The Coventry City F.C. logo font is Clarendon. The Clarendon font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Coventry City F.C. Logo JPG
The Coventry City F.C. logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Coventry City F.C. logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Coventry City F.C. Logo PNG
The Coventry City F.C. logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Coventry City F.C. logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.