The Extreme SimRacing colors are Dark Gray and Red. The Extreme SimRacing team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The conference rivals of the Extreme SimRacing are the Three’s Racing, Forsberg Racing, and Papadakis Racing.

Extreme SimRacing Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Extreme SimRacing can be found in the table below.
Hex: #545454
RGB: (84, 84, 84)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 67)
Hex: #FE0102
RGB: (254, 1, 2)
CMYK: (0, 100, 100, 0)
Color Codes of Extreme SimRacing in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Dark Gray | (84, 84, 84) | (0, 0, 0, 67) | PMS 424 C | #545454 |
Red | #FE0102 | (254, 1, 2) | (0, 100, 100, 0) | PMS 485 C |
Extreme SimRacing Pantone Color Codes
The Extreme SimRacing Formula Drift team Pantone color is PMS 424 C for Dark Gray and PMS 485 C for Red. The Pantone color scheme of the Extreme SimRacing can be found in the table below.
The Dark Gray Pantone color of the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
The Red Pantone color of the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
Color Codes of Extreme SimRacing as Pantone
Pantone Color Names for Extreme SimRacing | Pantone Color Code for Extreme SimRacing |
Dark Gray | PMS 424 C |
Red | PMS 485 C |
Extreme SimRacing Color Codes HEX
The Extreme SimRacing color HEX code is #545454 for Dark Gray and #FE0102 for Red. The HEX color scheme of the Extreme SimRacing can be found in the table below.
The Dark Gray HEX color code for the Extreme SimRacing team can be found below.
The Red HEX colour code for the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
Color Codes of Williams Racing as HEX
HEX Color Names for Extreme SimRacing | HEX Color Code for Extreme SimRacing |
Dark Gray | #545454 |
Red | #FE0102 |
Extreme SimRacing Color Codes RGB
The Extreme SimRacing color RGB code is (84, 84, 84) for Dark Gray and (254, 1, 2) for Red. The RGB color scheme of the Extreme SimRacing can be found in the table below.
The Dark Gray RGB color code for the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
The Red RGB colour code for the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
Color Codes of Extreme SimRacing as RGB
RGB Color Names for Extreme SimRacing | RGB Color Code for Extreme SimRacing |
Dark Gray | (84, 84, 84) |
Red | (254, 1, 2) |
Extreme SimRacing Color Codes CMYK
The Extreme SimRacing color CMYK code is (0, 0, 0, 67) for Dark Gray and (0, 100, 100, 0) for Red. The CMYK color scheme of the Extreme SimRacing can be found in the table below.
The Dark Gray CMYK color code for the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
The Red CMYK colour code for the Extreme SimRacing can be found below.
Color Codes of Extreme SimRacing as CMYK
CMYK Color Names for Extreme SimRacing | CMYK Color Code for Extreme SimRacing |
Dark Gray | (0, 0, 0, 67) |
Red | (0, 100, 100, 0) |
Extreme SimRacing Logo Colors
The Extreme SimRacing logo colors are Dark Gray and Red. The Dark Gray color code for the Extreme SimRacing logo is Pantone: PMS 424 C, Hex Color: #545454, RGB: (84, 84, 84), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 67). The Red color code for the Extreme SimRacing logo is Pantone: PMS 485 C, Hex Color: #FE0102, RGB: (254, 1, 2), CMYK: (0, 100, 100, 0).
Extreme SimRacing Logo
The Extreme SimRacing logo has Dark Gray color and Red colors.
Extreme SimRacing Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Extreme SimRacing logo colors can be found in an image format below.
Extreme SimRacing Logo JPG
The Extreme SimRacing logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Extreme SimRacing logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Extreme SimRacing Logo PNG
The Extreme SimRacing logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Extreme SimRacing logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.