The Khimki colors are blue, navy, white, yellow, dark yellow, and light steel blue. The Khimki team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Khimki is a team from Khimki, Moscow Oblast. The biggest rival of the Khimki is the Alba Berlin.
The primary colors of the Khimki can be found in the table below.
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
Hex: #CDAC23
RGB: (205, 172, 35)
CMYK: (76, 15, 58, 1)
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Hex: #5E72B9
RGB: (94, 114, 185)
CMYK: (65, 4, 47, 1)
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Color Codes of Khimki in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Blue | (4, 96, 181) | (97, 87, 19, 10) | PMS 7455 C | #0460B5 |
Navy | (36, 53, 129) | XXXXX | PMS 2756 C | #243581 |
White | (255, 255, 255) | (0, 0, 0, 0) | Not Available | #FFFFFF |
Yellow | (236, 203, 36) | (84, 70, 10, 7) | PMS 115 C | #ECCB24 |
Dark Yellow | (205, 172, 35) | (76, 15, 58, 1) | PMS 457 C | #CDAC23 |
Light Steel Blue | (205, 172, 35) | (65, 4, 47, 1) | PMS 7456 C | #5E72B9 |
Khimki Pantone Color Codes
The Khimki EuroLeague team Pantone colors are PMS 7455 C for blue, PMS 2756 C for navy, PMS 115 C for yellow, PMS 457 C for dark yellow, and PMS 7456 C for light steel blue.
The blue Pantone color of the Khimki can be found below.
PMS 7455 C
The navy Pantone color of the Khimki can be found below.
PMS 2756 C
The yellow Pantone color of the Khimki can be found below.
PMS 115 C
The dark yellow Pantone color of the Khimki can be found below.
PMS 457 C
The light steel blue Pantone color of the Khimki can be found below.
PMS 7456 C
Color Codes of Khimki as Pantone
Pantone Color Names for Khimki | Pantone Color Code for Khimki |
Blue | PMS 7455 C |
Navy | PMS 2756 C |
Yellow | PMS 115 C |
Dark Yellow | PMS 457 C |
Light Steel Blue | PMS 7456 C |
Khimki Color Codes HEX
The Khimki colors HEX codes are #0460B5 for blue, #243581 for navy, #FFFFFF for white, #ECCB24 for yellow, #CDAC23 for dark yellow,and #5E72B9 for light steel blue.
The blue HEX color code for the Khimki basketball team can be found below.
The navy HEX colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
The white HEX colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
The yellow HEX colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
The dark yellow HEX colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
The light steel blue HEX colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
Color Codes of Khimki as HEX
HEX Color Names for Khimki | HEX Color Code for Khimki |
Blue | #0460B5 |
Navy | #243581 |
White | #FFFFFF |
Yellow | #ECCB24 |
Dark Yellow | #CDAC23 |
Light Steel Blue | #5E72B9 |
Khimki Color Codes RGB
The Khimki colors RGB codes are (4, 96, 181) for blue, (36, 53, 129) for navy, (255, 255, 255) for white, (236, 203, 36) for yellow, (205, 172, 35) for dark yellow,and (205, 172, 35) for light steel blue colour.
The blue RGB color code for the Khimki can be found below.
(4, 96, 181)
The navy RGB colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(36, 53, 129)
The white RGB colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(255, 255, 255)
The yellow RGB colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(236, 203, 36)
The dark yellow RGB colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(205, 172, 35)
The light steel blue RGB colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(205, 172, 35)
Color Codes of Khimki as RGB
RGB Color Names for Khimki | RGB Color Code for Khimki |
Blue | (4, 96, 181) |
Navy | (36, 53, 129) |
White | (255, 255, 255) |
Yellow | (236, 203, 36) |
Dark Yellow | (205, 172, 35) |
Light Steel Blue | (205, 172, 35) |
Khimki Color Codes CMYK
The Khimki colors CMYK codes are (97, 87, 19, 10) for blue, (90, 54, 32, 9) for navy, (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, (84, 70, 10, 7) for yellow, (76, 15, 58, 1) for dark yellow,and (65, 4, 47, 1) for light steel blue color.
The blue CMYK color code for the Khimki can be found below.
(97, 87, 19, 10)
The navy CMYK colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(90, 54, 32, 9)
The white CMYK colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The yellow CMYK colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(84, 70, 10, 7)
The dark yellow CMYK colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(76, 15, 58, 1)
The light steel blue CMYK colour code for the Khimki can be found below.
(65, 4, 47, 1)
Color Codes of Khimki as CMYK
CMYK Color Names for Khimki | CMYK Color Code for Khimki |
Blue | (97, 87, 19, 10) |
Navy | (90, 54, 32, 9) |
White | (0, 0, 0, 0) |
Yellow | (84, 70, 10, 7) |
Dark Yellow | (76, 15, 58, 1) |
Light Steel Blue | (65, 4, 47, 1) |
Khimki Logo Colors
The Khimki logo colors are blue, navy, white, yellow, dark yellow, and light steel blue. The blue color code for the Khimki logo is Pantone: PMS 7455 C,Hex Color: #0460B5,RGB: (4, 96, 181), CMYK: (97, 87, 19, 10). The navy color code for the Khimki logo is Pantone: PMS 2756 C,Hex Color: #243581,RGB: (36, 53, 129), CMYK: (90, 54, 32, 9). The white color code for the Khimki logo is Hex Color: #FFFFFF,RGB: (255, 255, 255), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0). The yellow color code for the Khimki logo is Pantone: PMS 115 C,Hex Color: #ECCB24,RGB: (236, 203, 36), CMYK: (84, 70, 10, 7). The dark yellow color code for the Khimki logo is Pantone: PMS 457 C,Hex Color: #CDAC23,RGB: (205, 172, 35), CMYK: (76, 15, 58, 1). The light steel blue color code for the Khimki logo is Pantone: PMS 7456 C,Hex Color: #5E72B9,RGB: (205, 172, 35), CMYK: (65, 4, 47, 1).
Khimki Logo
The Khimki logo has blue, navy, white, yellow, dark yellow, and light steel blue colors and a modern basketball figure in the middle, a wordmark executed in the Cyrillic alphabet that spells out the name of the basketball team, and the year 1997, a figure that resembles a warrior riding a horse. The Khimki logo meaning represents the Russian professional basketball club.
Khimki Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Khimki logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Khimki Logo Fonts
The Khimki logo font is custom Khimki typeface. The custom Khimki font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Khimki Logo JPG
The Khimki logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Khimki logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Khimki Logo PNG
The Khimki logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Khimki logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.