The Real Madrid Baloncesto colors are gold, blue, red, white, and gray. The Real Madrid Baloncesto team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Real Madrid Baloncesto is a team from Spain. The biggest rival of the Real Madrid Baloncesto is Fenerbahçe Basketball.
The primary colors of the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found in the table below.
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
PANTONE: PMS Cool Gray 8 C
Hex: #8B8B8E
RGB: (139, 139, 142)
CMYK: (81, 54, 31, 8)
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Color Codes of Real Madrid Baloncesto in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Gold | (254, 190, 16) | (0, 27, 99, 0) | PMS 123 C | #FEBE10 |
Blue | (0, 82, 159) | (99, 76, 5, 0) | PMS 2145 C | #00529F |
Red | (238, 50, 78) | (0, 94, 65, 0) | PMS 1787 C | #EE324E |
White | (255, 255, 255) | (0, 0, 0, 0) | Not Available | #FFFFFF |
Gray | (139, 139, 142) | (81, 54, 31, 8) | PMS Cool Gray 8 C | #8B8B8E |
Real Madrid Baloncesto Pantone Color Codes
The Real Madrid Baloncesto EuroLeague team Pantone colors are PMS 123 C for gold, PMS 2145 C for blue, PMS 1787 C for red,and PMS Cool Gray 8 C for gray.
The gold Pantone color of the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
PMS 123 C
The blue Pantone color of the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
PMS 2145 C
The red Pantone color of the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
PMS 1787 C
The gray Pantone color of the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
PMS Cool Gray 8 C
Color Codes of Real Madrid Baloncesto as Pantone
Pantone Color Names for Real Madrid Baloncesto | Pantone Color Code for Real Madrid Baloncesto |
Gold | PMS 123 C |
Blue | PMS 2145 C |
Red | PMS 1787 C |
Gray | PMS Cool Gray 8 C |
Real Madrid Baloncesto Color Codes HEX
The Real Madrid Baloncesto colors HEX codes are #FEBE10 for gold, #00529F for blue, #EE324E for red, #FFFFFF for white,and #8B8B8E for gray.
The gold HEX color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto basketball team can be found below.
The blue HEX colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
The red HEX colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
The white HEX colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
The gray HEX colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
Color Codes of Real Madrid Baloncesto as HEX
HEX Color Names for Real Madrid Baloncesto | HEX Color Code for Real Madrid Baloncesto |
Gold | #FEBE10 |
Blue | #00529F |
Red | #EE324E |
White | #FFFFFF |
Gray | #8B8B8E |
Real Madrid Baloncesto Color Codes RGB
The Real Madrid Baloncesto colors RGB codes are (254, 190, 16) for gold, (0, 82, 159) for blue, (238, 50, 78) for red, (255, 255, 255) for white,and (139, 139, 142) for gray colour.
The gold RGB color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(254, 190, 16)
The blue RGB colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(0, 82, 159)
The red RGB colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(238, 50, 78)
The white RGB colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(255, 255, 255)
The gray RGB colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(139, 139, 142)
Color Codes of Real Madrid Baloncesto as RGB
RGB Color Names for Real Madrid Baloncesto | RGB Color Code for Real Madrid Baloncesto |
Gold | (254, 190, 16) |
Blue | (0, 82, 159) |
Red | (238, 50, 78) |
White | (255, 255, 255) |
Gray | (139, 139, 142) |
Real Madrid Baloncesto Color Codes CMYK
The Real Madrid Baloncesto colors CMYK codes are (0, 27, 99, 0) for gold, (99, 76, 5, 0) for blue, (0, 94, 65, 0) for red, (0, 0, 0, 0) for white,and (81, 54, 31, 8) for gray color.
The gold CMYK color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(0, 27, 99, 0)
The blue CMYK colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(99, 76, 5, 0)
The red CMYK colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(0, 94, 65, 0)
The white CMYK colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The gray CMYK colour code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto can be found below.
(81, 54, 31, 8)
Color Codes of Real Madrid Baloncesto as CMYK
CMYK Color Names for Real Madrid Baloncesto | CMYK Color Code for Real Madrid Baloncesto |
Gold | (0, 27, 99, 0) |
Blue | (99, 76, 5, 0) |
Red | (0, 94, 65, 0) |
White | (0, 0, 0, 0) |
Gray | (81, 54, 31, 8) |
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo Colors
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo colors are gold, blue, red, white, and gray. The gold color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo is Pantone: PMS 123 C,Hex Color: #FEBE10,RGB: (254, 190, 16), CMYK: (0, 27, 99, 0). The blue color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo is Pantone: PMS 2145 C,Hex Color: #00529F,RGB: (0, 82, 159), CMYK: (99, 76, 5, 0). The red color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo is Pantone: PMS 1787 C,Hex Color: #EE324E,RGB: (238, 50, 78), CMYK: (0, 94, 65, 0). The white color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo is Hex Color: #FFFFFF,RGB: (255, 255, 255), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0). The gray color code for the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo is Pantone: PMS Cool Gray 8 C,Hex Color: #8B8B8E,RGB: (139, 139, 142), CMYK: (81, 54, 31, 8).
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo has gold, blue, red, white, and gray colors and the corona tumular or the Spanish Royal Crown, and MFC monogram (which stands for Madrid Football Club), and a wordmark that spells out Real Madrid Baloncesto. The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo represents the professional basketball club and its history and tradition (the club was bestowed by King Alfonso XIII in 1920).
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo Fonts
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo font is custom Real Madrid Baloncesto typeface. The custom Real Madrid Baloncesto font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo JPG
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Real Madrid Baloncesto Logo PNG
The Real Madrid Baloncesto logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Real Madrid Baloncesto logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.