The San Diego Seals’ colors are black, purple, gray, and orange. The San Diego Seals team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The San Diego Seals is a team from San Diego, California. The biggest rival of the San Diego Seals is the Vancouver Warriors.
The primary colors of the San Diego Seals can be found in the table below.

PANTONE: PMS Cool Gray 5 C
Hex: #B4B2B3
RGB: (180, 178, 179)
CMYK: (0, 1, 1, 29)
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Color Codes of San Diego Seals in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Black | (0, 0, 0) | (0, 0, 0, 100) | PMS Black 6 C | #000000 |
Purple | (98, 50, 149) | (34, 66, 0, 42) | PMS 268 C | #623295 |
Gray | (180, 178, 179) | (0, 1, 1, 29) | PMS Cool Gray 5 C | #B4B2B3 |
Orange | (251, 180, 38) | (0, 28, 85, 2) | PMS 1235 C | #FBB426 |
San Diego Seals Pantone Color Codes
The San Diego Seals NLL team Pantone colors are PMS Black 6 C for black, PMS 268 C for purple, PMS Cool Gray 5 C for gray,and PMS 1235 C for orange.
The black Pantone color of the San Diego Seals can be found below.
PMS Black 6 C
The purple Pantone color of the San Diego Seals can be found below.
PMS 268 C
The gray Pantone color of the San Diego Seals can be found below.
PMS Cool Gray 5 C
The orange Pantone color of the San Diego Seals can be found below.
PMS 1235 C
Color Codes of San Diego Seals as Pantone
Pantone Color Names for San Diego Seals | Pantone Color Code for San Diego Seals |
Black | PMS Black 6 C |
Purple | PMS 268 C |
Gray | PMS Cool Gray 5 C |
Orange | PMS 1235 C |
San Diego Seals Color Codes HEX
The San Diego Seals colors HEX codes are #000000 for black, #623295 for purple, #B4B2B3 for gray,and #FBB426 for orange.
The black HEX color code for the San Diego Seals lacrosse team can be found below.
The purple HEX colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
The gray HEX colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
The orange HEX colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
Color Codes of San Diego Seals as HEX
HEX Color Names for San Diego Seals | HEX Color Code for San Diego Seals |
Black | #000000 |
Purple | #623295 |
Gray | #B4B2B3 |
Orange | #FBB426 |
San Diego Seals Color Codes RGB
The San Diego Seals colors RGB codes are (0, 0, 0) for black, (98, 50, 149) for purple, (180, 178, 179) for gray,and (251, 180, 38) for orange colour.
The black RGB color code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(0, 0, 0)
The purple RGB colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(98, 50, 149)
The gray RGB colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(180, 178, 179)
The orange RGB colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(251, 180, 38)
Color Codes of San Diego Seals as RGB
RGB Color Names for San Diego Seals | RGB Color Code for San Diego Seals |
Black | (0, 0, 0) |
Purple | (98, 50, 149) |
Gray | (180, 178, 179) |
Orange | (251, 180, 38) |
San Diego Seals Color Codes CMYK
The San Diego Seals colors CMYK codes are (0, 0, 0, 100) for black, (34, 66, 0, 42) for purple, (0, 1, 1, 29) for gray,and (0, 28, 85, 2) for orange color.
The black CMYK color code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 100)
The purple CMYK colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(34, 66, 0, 42)
The gray CMYK colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(0, 1, 1, 29)
The orange CMYK colour code for the San Diego Seals can be found below.
(0, 28, 85, 2)
Color Codes of San Diego Seals as CMYK
CMYK Color Names for San Diego Seals | CMYK Color Code for San Diego Seals |
Black | (0, 0, 0, 100) |
Purple | (34, 66, 0, 42) |
Gray | (0, 1, 1, 29) |
Orange | (0, 28, 85, 2) |
San Diego Seals Logo Colors
The San Diego Seals logo colors are black, purple, gray, and orange. The black color code for the San Diego Seals logo is Pantone: PMS Black 6 C,Hex Color: #000000,RGB: (0, 0, 0), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100). The purple color code for the San Diego Seals logo is Pantone: PMS 268 C,Hex Color: #623295,RGB: (98, 50, 149), CMYK: (34, 66, 0, 42). The gray color code for the San Diego Seals logo is Pantone: PMS Cool Gray 5 C,Hex Color: #B4B2B3,RGB: (180, 178, 179), CMYK: (0, 1, 1, 29). The orange color code for the San Diego Seals logo is Pantone: PMS 1235 C,Hex Color: #FBB426,RGB: (251, 180, 38), CMYK: (0, 28, 85, 2).
San Diego Seals Logo
The San Diego Seals logo has black, purple, gray, and orange colors and a tenacious yet friendly seal face with a crown that resembles the trident of Poseidon, a lacrosse stick head that serves as the background, and a wordmark that spells out the name of the lacrosse team. The San Diego Seals logo represents the marine mammals that live on the coastline of California and the professional lacrosse team of America’s Finest City.
San Diego Seals Logo Color Palette Image Format
The San Diego Seals logo colours can be found in an image format below.
San Diego Seals Logo Fonts
The San Diego Seals logo font is custom San Diego Seals. The custom San Diego Seals font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise. The San Diego Seals font was created by Adrenalin, Inc.
San Diego Seals Logo JPG
The San Diego Seals logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the San Diego Seals logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
San Diego Seals Logo PNG
The San Diego Seals logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the San Diego Seals logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.