The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers colors are Yellow and Purple. The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers are a team from Stevens Point, WI. The conference rivals of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers are the Finlandia University Lions, University of Wisconsin-Platteville Pioneers, and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Blugolds.
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers can be found in the table below.
Hex: #FDDD04
RGB: (253, 221, 4)
CMYK: (0.0, 12.65, 98.42, 0.78)
Hex: #432C91
RGB: (67, 44, 145)
CMYK: (53.79, 69.66, 0.0, 43.14)
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Yellow | (253, 221, 4) | (0.0, 12.65, 98.42, 0.78) | PMS Yellow C | #FDDD04 |
Purple | (67, 44, 145) | (53.79, 69.66, 0.0, 43.14) | PMS 2104 C | #432C91 |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Pantone Color Codes
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS Yellow C for Yellow and PMS 2104 C for Purple. The Pantone color scheme of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers can be found in the table below.
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Yellow | PMS Yellow C |
Purple | PMS 2104 C |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Color Codes HEX
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers color HEX codes are #FDDD04 for Yellow and #432C91 for Purple. The HEX color scheme of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers can be found in the table below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Yellow | #FDDD04 |
Purple | #432C91 |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Color Codes RGB
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers color RGB codes are (253, 221, 4) for Yellow and (67, 44, 145) for Purple. The RGB color scheme of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers can be found in the table below.
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Yellow | (253, 221, 4) |
Purple | (67, 44, 145) |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Color Codes CMYK
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers color CMYK codes are are (0.0, 12.65, 98.42, 0.78) for Yellow and (53.79, 69.66, 0.0, 43.14) for Purple. The CMYK color scheme of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers can be found in the table below.
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Yellow | (0.0, 12.65, 98.42, 0.78) |
Purple | (53.79, 69.66, 0.0, 43.14) |
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Logo Colors
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo colors are Yellow and Purple. The Yellow color code for the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo is Pantone: PMS Yellow C, Hex Color: #FDDD04, RGB: (253, 221, 4), CMYK: (0.0, 12.65, 98.42, 0.78). The Purple color code for the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo is Pantone: PMS 2104 C, Hex Color: #432C91, RGB: (67, 44, 145), CMYK: (53.79, 69.66, 0.0, 43.14).
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Logo
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo has Yellow and Purple colors.
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo colors can be found in an image format below.
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Logo JPG
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers Logo PNG
The Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Pointers logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.