The Washington Wave colors are red and blue. The Washington Wave team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Washington Wave is a team from Washington, D.C. The biggest rival of the Washington Wave is the Colorado Mammoth.
The primary colors of the Washington Wave can be found in the table below.
Color Codes of Washington Wave in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Red | (249, 45, 57) | (0, 82, 77, 2) | PMS Red 032 C | #F92D39 |
Blue | (34, 83, 120) | (72, 31, 0, 53) | PMS 2161 C | #225378 |
Washington Wave Pantone Color Codes
The Washington Wave NLL team Pantone colors are PMS Red 032 C for red and PMS 2161 C for blue.
The red Pantone color of the Washington Wave can be found below.
PMS Red 032 C
The blue Pantone color of the Washington Wave can be found below.
PMS 2161 C
Color Codes of Washington Wave as Pantone
Pantone Color Names for Washington Wave | Pantone Color Code for Washington Wave |
Red | PMS Red 032 C |
Blue | PMS 2161 C |
Washington Wave Color Codes HEX
The Washington Wave colors HEX codes are #F92D39 for red and #225378 for blue.
The red HEX color code for the Washington Wave lacrosse team can be found below.
The blue HEX colour code for the Washington Wave can be found below.
Color Codes of Washington Wave as HEX
HEX Color Names for Washington Wave | HEX Color Code for Washington Wave |
Red | #F92D39 |
Blue | #225378 |
Washington Wave Color Codes RGB
The Washington Wave colors RGB codes are (249, 45, 57) for red and (34, 83, 120) for blue colour.
The red RGB color code for the Washington Wave can be found below.
(249, 45, 57)
The blue RGB colour code for the Washington Wave can be found below.
(34, 83, 120)
Color Codes of Washington Wave as RGB
RGB Color Names for Washington Wave | RGB Color Code for Washington Wave |
Red | (249, 45, 57) |
Blue | (34, 83, 120) |
Washington Wave Color Codes CMYK
The Washington Wave colors CMYK codes are (0, 82, 77, 2) for red and (72, 31, 0, 53) for blue color.
The red CMYK color code for the Washington Wave can be found below.
(0, 82, 77, 2)
The blue CMYK colour code for the Washington Wave can be found below.
(72, 31, 0, 53)
Color Codes of Washington Wave as CMYK
CMYK Color Names for Washington Wave | CMYK Color Code for Washington Wave |
Red | (0, 82, 77, 2) |
Blue | (72, 31, 0, 53) |
Washington Wave Logo Colors
The Washington Wave logo colors are red and blue. The red color code for the Washington Wave logo is Pantone: PMS Red 032 C,Hex Color: #F92D39,RGB: (249, 45, 57), CMYK: (0, 82, 77, 2). The blue color code for the Washington Wave logo is Pantone: PMS 2161 C,Hex Color: #225378,RGB: (34, 83, 120),CMYK: (72, 31, 0, 53).
Washington Wave Logo
The Washington Wave logo has red and blue colors and a stylized letter W wherein its left stroke has 3 stars in it while the left stroke has been stylized to look like a giant breaking wave, a stylized letter V wherein the right stroke has also been stylized to look like a small breaking wave, and a wordmark that spells the name of the lacrosse team. The Washington Wave logo represents the professional lacrosse team of the District of Columbia.
Washington Wave Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Washington Wave logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Washington Wave Logo Fonts
The Washington Wave logo font is custom Washington Wave typeface. The custom Washington Wave font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Washington Wave Logo JPG
The Washington Wave logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Washington Wave logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Washington Wave Logo PNG
The Washington Wave logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Washington Wave logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.