The Seattle Sounders FC colors are Sounder blue, rave green, and cascade shale. The Seattle Sounders FC team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Seattle Sounders FC are a team from Seattle, Washington. The biggest rivals of the Seattle Sounders FC are the Portland Timbers.
Seattle Sounders FC Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Seattle Sounders FC can be found in the table below.

Hex: #142530
RGB: (20, 37, 48)
CMYK: (97, 71, 56, 64)
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Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Sounder Blue | (0, 85, 149) | (98, 73, 13, 2) | PMS 7686 C | #005595 |
Rave Green | (93, 151, 65) | (69, 20, 100, 4) | PMS 363 C | #5D9741 |
Cascade Shale | (20, 37, 48) | (97, 71, 56, 64) | PMS 7547 C | #142530 |
Seattle Sounders FC Pantone Color Codes
The Seattle Sounders FC MLS team Pantone colors are PMS 7686 C for Sounder blue, PMS 363 C for rave green, and PMS 7547 C for cascade shale.
The Sounder blue Pantone color of the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
PMS 7686 C
The rave green Pantone color of the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
PMS 363 C
The cascade shale Pantone color of the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
PMS 7547 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Sounder Blue | PMS 7686 C |
Rave Green | PMS 363 C |
Cascade Shale | PMS 7547 C |
Seattle Sounders FC Color Codes HEX
The Seattle Sounders FC colors HEX codes are #005595 for Sounder blue, #5D9741 for rave green, and #142530 for cascade shale.
The Sounder blue HEX color code for the Seattle Sounders FC soccer team can be found below.
The rave green HEX colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
The cascade shale HEX colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Sounder Blue | #005595 |
Rave Green | #5D9741 |
Cascade Shale | #142530 |
Seattle Sounders FC Color Codes RGB
The Seattle Sounders FC colors RGB codes are (0, 85, 149) for Sounder blue, (93, 151, 65) for rave green, and (20, 37, 48) for cascade shale colour.
The Sounder blue RGB color code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(0, 85, 149)
The rave green RGB colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(93, 151, 65)
The cascade shale RGB colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(20, 37, 48)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Sounder Blue | (0, 85, 149) |
Rave Green | (93, 151, 65) |
Cascade Shale | (20, 37, 48) |
Seattle Sounders FC Color Codes CMYK
The Seattle Sounders FC colors CMYK codes are (98, 73, 13, 2) for Sounder blue, (69, 20, 100, 4) for rave green, and (97, 71, 56, 64) for cascade shale color.
The Sounder blue CMYK color code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(98, 73, 13, 2)
The rave green CMYK colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(69, 20, 100, 4)
The cascade shale CMYK colour code for the Seattle Sounders FC can be found below.
(97, 71, 56, 64)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Sounder Blue | (98, 73, 13, 2) |
Rave Green | (69, 20, 100, 4) |
Cascade Shale | (97, 71, 56, 64) |
Seattle Sounders FC Logo Colors
The Seattle Sounders FC logo colors are Sounder blue, rave green, and cascade shale. The Sounder blue color code for the Seattle Sounders FC logo is Pantone: PMS 7686 C, Hex Color: #005595, RGB: (0, 85, 149), CMYK: (98, 73, 13, 2). The rave green color code for the Seattle Sounders FC logo is Pantone: PMS 363 C, Hex Color: #5D9741, RGB: (93, 151, 65), CMYK: (69, 20, 100, 4). The cascade shale color code for the Seattle Sounders FC logo is Pantone: PMS 7547 C, Hex Color: #142530, RGB: (20, 37, 48), CMYK: (97, 71, 56, 64).
Seattle Sounders FC Logo
The Seattle Sounders FC logo has Sounder blue, rave green, and cascade shale colors and two overlapping shield objects, one containing an outline of the Seattle Space Needle, and an arched banner with the names Seattle and Sounders FC written in two lines on it. The Seattle Sounders FC logo meaning symbolizes Seattle’s man-made and natural scenery and the team’s confidence, loyalty, and reliability.
Seattle Sounders FC Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Seattle Sounders FC logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Seattle Sounders FC Logo Fonts
The Seattle Sounders FC logo font is a custom Seattle Sounders FC font. The Seattle Sounders FC font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Seattle Sounders FC Logo JPG
The Seattle Sounders FC logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Seattle Sounders FC logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Seattle Sounders FC Logo PNG
The Seattle Sounders FC logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Seattle Sounders FC logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.