Shenzhen colors are red, blue, and gold. The Shenzhen team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. Shenzhen is a team from Shenzhen, Guangdong. Other popular teams in the Chinese Super League include Wuhan, Qingdao, and Changchun Yatai.
Shenzhen Primary Colors
The primary colors of Shenzhen can be found in the table below.

Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Red | (195, 22, 45) | (16, 100, 91, 6) | PMS 186 C | #C3162D |
Blue | (7, 33, 62) | (98, 83, 46, 53) | PMS 282 C | #07213E |
Gold | (197, 180, 133) | (197, 180, 133) | PMS 4525 C | #C5B485 |
Shenzhen Pantone Color Codes
Shenzhen Chinese Super League team Pantone colors are PMS 186 C for red, PMS 282 C for blue, and PMS 4525 C for gold.
The red Pantone color of Shenzhen can be found below.
PMS 186 C
The blue Pantone color of Shenzhen can be found below.
PMS 282 C
The gold Pantone color of Shenzhen can be found below.
PMS 4525 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Red | PMS 186 C |
Blue | PMS 282 C |
Gold | PMS 4525 C |
Shenzhen Color Codes HEX
Shenzhen colors HEX codes are #C3162D for red, #07213E for blue, and #C5B485 for gold.
The red HEX color code for the Shenzhen soccer team can be found below.
The blue HEX colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
The gold HEX colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Red | #C3162D |
Blue | #07213E |
Gold | #C5B485 |
Shenzhen Color Codes RGB
Shenzhen colors RGB codes are (195, 22, 45) for red, (7, 33, 62) for blue, and (197, 180, 133) for gold colour.
The red RGB color code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(195, 22, 45)
The blue RGB colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(7, 33, 62)
The gold RGB colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(197, 180, 133)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Red | (195, 22, 45) |
Blue | (7, 33, 62) |
Gold | (197, 180, 133) |
Shenzhen Color Codes CMYK
Shenzhen colors CMYK codes are (16, 100, 91, 6) for red, (98, 83, 46, 53) for blue, and (24, 25, 54, 0) for gold color.
The red CMYK color code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(16, 100, 91, 6)
The blue CMYK colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(98, 83, 46, 53)
The gold CMYK colour code for Shenzhen can be found below.
(24, 25, 54, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Red | (16, 100, 91, 6) |
Blue | (98, 83, 46, 53) |
Gold | (24, 25, 54, 0) |
Shenzhen Logo Colors
The Shenzhen logo colors are red, blue, and gold. The red color code for the Shenzhen logo is Pantone: PMS 186 C, Hex Color: #C3162D, RGB: (195, 22, 45), CMYK: (16, 100, 91, 6). The blue color code for the Shenzhen logo is Pantone: PMS 282 C, Hex Color: #07213E, RGB: (7, 33, 62), CMYK: (98, 83, 46, 53). The gold color code for the Shenzhen logo is Pantone: PMS 4525 C, Hex Color: #C5B485, RGB: (197, 180, 133), CMYK: (24, 25, 54, 0).
Shenzhen Logo
The Shenzhen logo has red, blue, and gold colors and a shield-shaped object with a star on top of it and an image of a bull at its center as well as a banner with the words Shenzhen F.C. 1994 written on it. The Shenzhen logo meaning symbolizes the name of the team and the year it was founded.
Shenzhen Logo Color Palette Image Format
Shenzhen Logo Color Palette Image Format
Shenzhen Logo Fonts
The Shenzhen logo font is Shenzhen F.C. typeface. The Shenzhen F.C. typeface (custom) font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Shenzhen Logo JPG
The Shenzhen logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Shenzhen logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Shenzhen Logo PNG
The Shenzhen logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Shenzhen logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.