Seattle University Redhawks Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Codes
The Seattle Redhawks primary colors are red and black. Use these Seattle Redhawks color codes if you need their colors for any of your digital or print projects. Follow this link for the rest of the NCAA color codes for all of your favorite NCAA team color codes or you can also find more of the WAC conference colors.
Seattle University Primary Logo Colors
Hex Color: #AA0000;
RGB: (170,0,0)
CMYK: (13 100 76 3)
Hex Color: #AA0000;
RGB: (170,0,0)
CMYK: (13 100 76 3)
Hex Color: #000000;
RGB: (0 0 0)
CMYK: (75 68 67 90)
Hex Color: #000000;
RGB: (0 0 0)
CMYK: (75 68 67 90)