The UC Davis Aggies colors are Yale blue and Gold. The UC Davis Aggies team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The UC Davis Aggies are a team from Davis, California. The biggest rivals of the UC Davis Aggies are the Sacramento State Hornets.
UC Davis Aggies Primary Logo Colors
The primary colors of the UC Davis Aggies can be found in the table below.
Hex Color: #002855;
RGB: (0, 40, 85)
CMYK: (100, 69, 8, 54)
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Hex Color: #B3A369;
RGB: (179, 163, 105)
CMYK: (13, 19, 62, 28)
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UC Davis Aggies Pantone Color Codes
The UC Davis Aggies NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 295 C for Yale blue and PMS 4515 C for Gold.
The Yale blue Pantone color of the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
PMS 295 C
The Gold Pantone color of the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
PMS 4515 C
Pantone Color Names for UC Davis Aggies | Pantone Color Code for UC Davis Aggies |
Yale Blue | PMS 295 C |
Gold | PMS 4515 C |
UC Davis Aggies Color Codes HEX
The UC Davis Aggies colors HEX codes are #002855 for Yale blue and #B3A369 for Gold.
The Yale blue HEX color code for the UC Davis Aggies athletic team can be found below.
The Gold HEX colour code for the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
HEX Color Names for UC Davis Aggies | HEX Color Code for UC Davis Aggies |
Yale Blue | #002855 |
Gold | #B3A369 |
UC Davis Aggies Color Codes RGB
The UC Davis Aggies colors RGB codes are (0, 40, 85) for Yale blue and (179, 163, 105) for Gold colour.
The Yale blue RGB color code for the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
(0, 40, 85)
The Gold RGB colour code for the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
(179, 163, 105)
RGB Color Names for UC Davis Aggies | RGB Color Code for UC Davis Aggies |
Yale Blue | (0, 40, 85) |
Gold | (179, 163, 105) |
UC Davis Aggies Color Codes CMYK
The UC Davis Aggies colors CMYK codes are (100, 69, 8, 54) for Yale blue and (13, 19, 62, 28) for Gold color.
The Yale blue CMYK color code for the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
(100, 69, 8, 54)
The Gold CMYK colour code for the UC Davis Aggies can be found below.
(13, 19, 62, 28)
CMYK Color Names for UC Davis Aggies | CMYK Color Code for UC Davis Aggies |
Yale Blue | (100, 69, 8, 54) |
Gold | (13, 19, 62, 28) |
UC Davis Aggies Logo Colors
The UC Davis Aggies logo colors are Yale blue and Gold. The Yale blue color code for the UC Davis Aggies logo is Pantone: PMS 295 C, Hex Color: #002855, RGB: (0, 40, 85), CMYK: (100, 69, 8, 54). The Gold color code for the UC Davis Aggies logo is Pantone: PMS 4515 C, Hex Color: #B3A369, RGB: (179, 163, 105), CMYK: (13, 19, 62, 28).
UC Davis Aggies Logo
The UC Davis Aggies logo has Yale blue and Gold colors and an emblem object featuring a horse head and a capital letter C on a gold background. The UC Davis Aggies logo meaning symbolizes the California initial (C) as well as a mustang horse.
UC Davis Aggies Logo Color Palette Image Format
The UC Davis Aggies logo colours can be found in an image format below.
UC Davis Aggies Logo Fonts
The UC Davis Aggies logo font is Proxima Nova. The Proxima Nova font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise. The UC Davis Aggies font was created by Mark Simonson in 2000.
UC Davis Aggies Logo JPG
The UC Davis Aggies logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the UC Davis Aggies logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
UC Davis Aggies Logo PNG
The UC Davis Aggies logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the UC Davis Aggies logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.