The Shippensburg Raiders colors are red and blue. The Shippensburg Raiders team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Shippensburg Raiders are a team from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. The biggest rivals of the Shippensburg Raiders are the Bloomsburg Huskies.
Shippensburg Raiders Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Shippensburg Raiders can be found in the table below.
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Red | (238, 58, 67) | (1, 92, 75, 0) | PMS Red 032 C | #EE3A43 |
Blue | (13, 34, 63) | (98, 84, 46, 52) | PMS 289 C | #0D223F |
Shippensburg Raiders Pantone Color Codes
The Shippensburg Raiders NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS Red 032 C for red and PMS 289 C for blue.
The red Pantone color of the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
PMS Red 032 C
The blue Pantone color of the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
PMS 289 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Red | PMS Red 032 C |
Blue | PMS 289 C |
Shippensburg Raiders Color Codes HEX
The Shippensburg Raiders colors HEX codes are #EE3A43 for red and #0D223F for blue.
The red HEX color code for the Shippensburg Raiders athletics team can be found below.
The blue HEX colour code for the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Red | #EE3A43 |
Blue | #0D223F |
Shippensburg Raiders Color Codes RGB
The Shippensburg Raiders colors RGB codes are (238, 58, 67) for red and (13, 34, 63) for blue colour.
The red RGB color code for the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
(238, 58, 67)
The blue RGB colour code for the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
(13, 34, 63)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Red | (238, 58, 67) |
Blue | (13, 34, 63) |
Shippensburg Raiders Color Codes CMYK
The Shippensburg Raiders colors CMYK codes are (1, 92, 75, 0) for red and (98, 84, 46, 52) for blue color.
The red CMYK color code for the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
(1, 92, 75, 0)
The blue CMYK colour code for the Shippensburg Raiders can be found below.
(98, 84, 46, 52)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Red | (1, 92, 75, 0) |
Blue | (98, 84, 46, 52) |
Shippensburg Raiders Logo Colors
The Shippensburg Raiders logo colors are red and blue. The red color code for the Shippensburg Raiders logo is Pantone: PMS Red 032 C, Hex Color: #EE3A43, RGB: (238, 58, 67), CMYK: (1, 92, 75, 0). The blue color code for the Shippensburg Raiders logo is Pantone: PMS 289 C, Hex Color: #0D223F, RGB: (13, 34, 63), CMYK: (98, 84, 46, 52).
Shippensburg Raiders Logo
The Shippensburg Raiders logo has red and blue colors and a circle containing an illustrated 18th century ship. The Shippensburg Raiders logo meaning symbolizes a clever play on the team’s hometown’s name Shippensburg which evokes images of ship building and the team’s nod to pirates or raiders of the 18th century who were notoriously good at overtaking their opponents.
Shippensburg Raiders Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Shippensburg Raiders logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Shippensburg Raiders Logo Fonts
The Shippensburg Raiders logo font is a custom Shippensburg Raiders font. The Shippensburg Raiders font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Shippensburg Raiders Logo JPG
The Shippensburg Raiders logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Shippensburg Raiders logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Shippensburg Raiders Logo PNG
The Shippensburg Raiders logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Shippensburg Raiders logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.