The Sonoma State Seawolves colors are navy blue, white, and Columbia blue. The Sonoma State Seawolves team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK can be found below. The Sonoma State Seawolves are a team from Rohnert Park, California. The biggest rivals of the Sonoma State Seawolves are the Chico State Wildcats.
Sonoma State Seawolves Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found in the table below.
Hex: #99BFE6
RGB: (153, 191, 230)
CMYK: (38, 15, 0, 0)
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RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Navy Blue | (0, 51, 102) | (100, 87, 33, 23) | PMS 648 C | #003366 |
White | (255, 255, 255) | (0, 0, 0, 0) | Not Available | #FFFFFF |
Columbia Blue | (153, 191, 230) | (38, 15, 0, 0) | PMS 283 C | #99BFE6 |
Sonoma State Seawolves Pantone Color Codes
The Sonoma State Seawolves NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 648 C for navy blue and PMS 283 C for Columbia blue.
The navy blue Pantone color of the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
PMS 648 C
The Columbia blue Pantone color of the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
PMS 283 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Navy Blue | PMS 648 C |
Columbia Blue | PMS 283 C |
Sonoma State Seawolves Color Codes HEX
The Sonoma State Seawolves colors HEX codes are #003366 for navy blue, #FFFFFF for white, and #99BFE6 for Columbia blue.
The navy blue HEX color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves athletics team can be found below.
The white HEX colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
The Columbia blue HEX colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Navy Blue | #003366 |
White | #FFFFFF |
Columbia Blue | #99BFE6 |
Sonoma State Seawolves Color Codes RGB
The Sonoma State Seawolves colors RGB codes are (0, 51, 102) for navy blue, (255, 255, 255) for white, and (153, 191, 230) for Columbia blue colour.
The navy blue RGB color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(0, 51, 102)
The white RGB colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(255, 255, 255)
The Columbia blue RGB colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(153, 191, 230)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Navy Blue | (0, 51, 102) |
White | (255, 255, 255) |
Columbia Blue | (153, 191, 230) |
Sonoma State Seawolves Color Codes CMYK
The Sonoma State Seawolves colors CMYK codes are (100, 87, 33, 23) for navy blue, (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, and (38, 15, 0, 0) for Columbia blue color.
The navy blue CMYK color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(100, 87, 33, 23)
The white CMYK colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The Columbia blue CMYK colour code for the Sonoma State Seawolves can be found below.
(38, 15, 0, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Navy Blue | (100, 87, 33, 23) |
White | (0, 0, 0, 0) |
Columbia Blue | (38, 15, 0, 0) |
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo Colors
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo colors are navy blue, white, and Columbia blue. The navy blue color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves logo is Pantone: PMS 648 C, Hex Color: #003366, RGB: (0, 51, 102), CMYK: (100, 87, 33, 23). The white color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves logo is Hex Color: #FFFFFF, RGB: (255, 255, 255), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0). The Columbia blue color code for the Sonoma State Seawolves logo is Pantone: PMS 283 C, Hex Color: #99BFE6, RGB: (153, 191, 230), CMYK: (38, 15, 0, 0).
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo has navy blue, white, and Columbia blue colors and a growling wolf mid run and a splashing wave above the name Sonoma State University and the word “seawolves” written in two lines. The Sonoma State Seawolves logo meaning symbolizes the team’s homage to Jack London’s book The Sea-Wolf which chronicles one man’s journey across the Pacific, surviving hardships and overcoming obstacles.
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo Fonts
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo font is Square Slabserif 711 Pro Bold Italic. The Square Slabserif 711 Pro Bold Italic font is used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise.
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo JPG
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo JPG format can be found below.
To download the Sonoma State Seawolves logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Sonoma State Seawolves Logo PNG
The Sonoma State Seawolves logo PNG format can be found below.
To download the Sonoma State Seawolves logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.